The Struggle Of Trying To Eat Healthy As A Haitian
If people saw what I ate on a day to day basis they would be totally surprised. I briefly mentioned this on a previous blog post “What I Eat in a Day, Haitian Edition” I try my best to be healthy but unhealthy foods be calling my name sometimes (crying face). I’m Haitian for heavens sake, we love our fried foods and rice, oh how we love our rice! I don’t want to make it sound like Haitian cuisine is super unhealthy but if we were comparing it to Dr. Sebi’s Alkaline diet then yeah it would be considered super unhealthy.
Back to what I normally eat on a day to day basis, like I said yesterday I eat a lot of fruit aside from that I eat a lot of black wild rice, sauteed mushrooms, sauteed kale, sauteed green beans (not alkaline but I love it), sauteed cabbage, roasted butternut squash or I make a soup out of it with ginger, chayote, mushrooms, kale (it’s really delicious). I plan on sharing my healthy food recipes here in the near future.
It is a struggle for me to go to family functions when I’m trying to eat mostly alkaline. You know you’ll have family members constantly asking you why you’re not eating, or why are you only eating fruit and salad, ou mèg deja (you’re already skinny). P.S. it is against the law to be Haitian and be skinny, people will not let you live, their mission in life will be to fatten you up… Even though it’s a struggle when I’m around folks eating deliciously sweet desserts or fried foods I am able to stand my ground because I know it’s for a good cause (I’m strong). I digress…
I’m sure you’re wondering how I can have a Haitian food blog and create YouTube videos teaching people how to cook food that, I myself just said is not the healthiest? To be honest I struggled with that a lot, so much so at one point I wanted to stop creating videos altogether but I realized this… If I stop making videos someone else will make them and also people are grown so they will do what they want to do regardless. If someone wants to learn how to make Haitian cuisine and that’s what they want to eat, they will do it. I’m good at creating recipes so I use that talent to help those that want to be helped. My decision to eventually include healthier, meat-free recipes makes me feel happy because I know that I will be offering more choices to my audience and they will be able to make their decision on what to cook with more options available. Is it a struggle for you to eat healthily, let’s talk!