Ode to Mango Fransik (Francis)
Dear Mango Fransik,
There are so many things that I want to tell you, first off you are awesome! If I ever feel sad, having you near automatically changes that! You are amazingly sweet and juicy and I don’t mind that you leave strings in between my teeth, I don’t mind that your juices are running down my hands and arm. Yes you can get a bit messy but biting into you and getting a chunk of that delicious sweet goodness is one of my happy places. I am sad when I can’t find you here in New York City because you’re not always available. I’m excited when I find you for a dollar but please know that, that doesn’t lessen your value to me, I’ve paid $3.50 for you before and I’ve gotten you 2 for $4 or $5 as well. Regardless of the price, you are invaluable and I want you to accompany me on a fruit detox soon because you have important vitamins like vitamin C and A to give me. Really you are great for my health and I love and appreciate you for that. I’m excited to continue this journey with you in my life and I pray you will make yourself accessible to me. Here’s to many more years together, see you soon; I Love You!!
To my readers, thank you for sharing this heartfelt moment with me. Do you love mangoes as much as I do??? LOL Let’s talk!