Fritay Friday’s – What I ate in Haiti
Fritay Fritay Fritay, I love thee! I’ve spoken about Fritay a lot here on this blog; if you’re not familiar it is just fried street food, fritters, plantains, fried meats, it’s delicious. If you want a little more info on it click here to read up. On my many trips to Haiti I had the pleasure of sampling a lot of Fritay, I was in Food Heaven guys. As much as I try to stay away from pork, it was so hard, it’s like it was calling my name “Manieeeeeeee eat me!” I just answer yes, I’m weak (hangs head in shame) LOL. My favorite food on a Fritay menu is Marinad, but unfortunately for me I didn’t get any while on any of my trips (sad face). I took some pictures of all the delicious Fritay that I had the pleasure of eating and I wanted to share them here with you all! What is your favorite Fritay food? Let’s talk!
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