
Tasso Kabrit (Fried Goat)

So we come back to the topic of Fritay once again, did you think I was finished??? There are a lot of foods that can be placed in the category of fritay. If you missed the last blog post about Fritay click here to read it. 

Today we are talking about Tasso Kabrit which is fried goat meat, the best option for those people who are staying away from the pork griyo (they don’t dine on the swine LOL).  You can also make Tasso Den (turkey) and tasso vyan bef (beef). Recipes for those will follow.


So I have some tips for you when buying your goat meat.

  1. Buy your meat from a meat market (butcher).
  2. Do not, I repeat DO NOT buy cut up goat, that is the shank (leg bone beneath the knee) and you don’t want that.
  3. Ask for leg, I believe it is also thigh or shoulder and ask them to clean it and cut it in large chunks like in the picture.

According to my mom goat meat is the only red meat that requires being choded (parboiled), I don’t know why, that’s just the way things are; my mother tells me to do it so that’s what I do, stop asking questions you (yes you). LOL No but seriously this is the only red meat that needs to be parboiled because of the strong smell it produces. Rum is also added to the meat to assist with getting rid of/masking the unpleasant scent. Me personally I didn’t find the goat meat I had to have an unpleasant scent but yeah, follow what the seasoned Haitian cooks tell you to do ok!


I hope you give this recipe a try and let me know how it turns out for you (it will turn out good), you’re welcome LOL.


Watch how to make Tasso Kabrit here:

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Adjust Servings
To clean goat meat:
4lbs goat meat (leg)
1 cup sour orange juice
1 cup vinegar
1 ½ tablespoons sea salt
1 lime cut in half
1 sour orange (optional)
To marinate and cook goat meat:
½ cup epis
1 ½ tablespoons sea salt
1 teaspoon salt free blended herbs
½ tablespoons garlic powder
½ tablespoons onion powder
¼ cayenne pepper powder
teaspoons clove powder
1 scotch bonnet pepper
3 sprigs parsley
3 sprigs thyme
¼ cup sour orange juice
¼ cup rum
For Dressing



Instructions to clean goat meat:

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Bring about 10 cups of water to a boil
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Pour vinegar, salt and sour orange juice over meat
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Trim excess fat off goat
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Squeeze lime juice and sour orange juice over meat (remove seeds) then rub each piece with lime and sour orange halves.
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Remove meat and place in a separate bowl then parboil it by pouring the boiled water over it and let sit for 1 minute.
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Remove meat from water and place in pot to be cooked in.
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Remove meat from water and place in pot to be cooked in.
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Instructions to cook goat meat:

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Add epis, sour orange juice, rum and dry spices to meat and mix very well.
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Add thyme, parsley and scotch bonnet pepper and cook on low to medium heat for 45 minutes to 1 hour or until tender.
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Serve with fried plantains and pikliz.
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Remove meat from liquid (set liquid aside if you want to use it as gravy). Add oil to pot, when hot add goat meat and fry for about 5-8 minutes or to your desired darkness.
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Follow tips in blog post regarding purchasing your meat; I suggest going to a meat market or having the butcher at a supermarket cut and clean it for you.

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