My Haitian Comfort food
It is amazing that smells can trigger memories and emotions. I love food and the smell of different foods evokes fond memories that involve it. One such memory was when I was about 7 or 8 years old. I remember being sick with a cold and I WAS MISERABLE! My mom of course did what any caring mother would do; she gave me medicine so I could get better. In addition to the traditional medicine she also made me, Banann peze avèk sòs, which is pressed fried green plantains with sauce. She made me a big bowl of the fried plantains along side a big bowl of sauce and I ate the whole thing by myself. Now that I think about it, it probably wasn’t that big I probably just remember it that way. Anyway it made me feel better and since then fried plantains have been a comfort food for me, it always makes me feel better if ever I feel a little down. I would like to note that this is not my one and only comfort food, I have many but this one always reminds me how my mom wanted to make me happy. What are your Haitian comfort foods?
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I love Haitian food, I’m about to go to a Haitian church soon too, my favorite dishes are Haitian chicken, rice and beans, and Mac n cheese